MUS 107 - History of American Popular Music Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Credits: 3
Description: This course is a study of representative artists, social and cultural significance, and historical recordings in the development of American popular music from the Colonial era through the end of the twentieth century.
Prerequisite(s): Take ENG 100 , RDG 100 with a minimum grade of C. Course Topics:
- Music in the Colonial era to the Civil War
- Music during the Civil War to WWII
- American music between the wars
- 1930s and the WWII era
- The Great Migration and Post-WWII eras
- Post-WWII Rhythm and Blues/Rock ‘n’ Roll
- Music in the 1950s and early 1960s
- Music and Social Movements
- 1970s: from Soul to Funk to Disco
- 1970s: Rock Comes of Age
- 1970s: Outsider Music
- 1980s: Digital Revolution and the Rise of Synth
- 1990s: Alternative, Hip-Hop, and E.D.M
Textbooks: Textbook information can be found on the Book Inn website Required Materials:
- Spotify account: (free)
- Reliable internet access using a desktop or laptop computer
- Headphones and the ability to listen to audio on a computer
Grading System: An overall grade of C or higher is required for transferability.
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 0 - 59 Student Learning Outcomes:
- Create coherent, grammatically correct written responses to prompts and questions about popular music.
- Distinguish between pertinent and irrelevant information when researching a popular music topic.
- Demonstrate knowledge of cultural diversity in popular music.
- Explain how the contributions of diverse cultural and identity groups have shaped American society and popular music.
For SCC Online Courses: If the course you are taking is online, please review the SCC Online Course Policies that include:
- Identity Verification
- Required materials for all online courses
- Mandatory Attendance Requirement
- Orientation and Support
- Proctored Exams
Standard SCC Course Policies: Please review the Standard Course Policies on the following topics:
- Academic Integrity
- Add/Drop period
- Attendance
- Classroom Conduct
- Equal Access
- IT Access
- Online Behavior
- Online Confidentiality
- Services For Students with Disabilities
- Student Concerns
- Student Help Services
- Withdrawals
 Official Course Syllabus 2024-2025