Mar 28, 2025  
2025-2026 SCC Catalog 
2025-2026 SCC Catalog

Admissions Policies

Spartanburg Community College is dedicated to serving the educational needs of all who can benefit from its courses and programs. In order to fulfill the South Carolina Technical Education System’s educational mission and to provide students with the opportunity to achieve their education goals, SCC is essentially an “open door” institution. Open door admission is a practice that admits all citizens who can benefit from available learning opportunities, but does not mean that there are no entrance requirements. In most programs of study various entrance requirements and/or prerequisites are a necessity. SCC places into specific programs of study those students whose potential for success is commensurate with expected standards of performance. Although applicants for admission may not meet the entrance requirements for a particular program of study, SCC has the ability, through transitional studies coursework, to help them meet the entrance requirements and attain their academic goals. Consistent with statutory requirements and existing policies, SCC makes every effort to minimize geographic, financial and scholastic barriers to the postsecondary programs and services offered by the College.

Admission to specific programs requires that applicants have appropriate educational preparation as measured by skills assessment scores and/or prerequisite courses. When scores indicate that an applicant is not prepared to enter a particular program, he or she will be offered the appropriate course or courses to provide the needed preparation. This preparation may include referral to other schools or agencies to meet specific needs. Information on skills assessment score requirements, including those unique to each of the College’s divisions, is available in Enrollment Services. Required preparatory course work may extend the length of time necessary for program completion.

The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act (S.C. Code of Laws Section 59-103-5) prohibits those unlawfully present in the United States from attending a public institution of higher education in South Carolina and from receiving a public higher education benefit. SCC will verify lawful presence at the time of application to the College and will verify any alien’s immigration status with the federal government pursuant to 8 USC Section 1373(c). An alien unlawfully present in the United States is not eligible to attend a public institution of higher learning in this State.

All documents submitted for admission consideration become the permanent property of Spartanburg Community College and will not be returned to the student.

Regular Admission Requirements

Because the enrollment demand for some programs of study exceeds the number of openings available, students should apply for admission as early as possible. To assure proper processing of application and registration materials and to allow for counseling, advising, and orientation, applicants should apply at least four weeks prior to registration, though earlier completion is recommended. Those who are admitted and register early have the best schedule selection.

All prospective students applying for admission into a curriculum program at SCC must:

  • Complete and submit an SCC Application for Admission. (students that applied or were accepted and did not begin classes in the given semester must submit a new application),  (students re-entering after being away three consecutive semesters, including summer, must submit a new application); application available online at; and
  • Be 18 years of age or older or possess a high school diploma or its equivalent  (Applicants under the age of 16 prior to the first day of their anticipated start term may be admitted by completion of an Age Appeal form supplied by Enrollment Services; some programs of study may have specific age requirements for those under 18, requiring departmental approval.); and
  • Complete and submit Residency Certification form accompanied by current proof of citizenship for US citizens and proper documentation for Non-US citizens; and
  • Submit an official high school transcript that displays a graduation date, authorized signature and GPA determined by the SC Department of Education Universal Grading Policy, or equivalent from another US state, or provide official high school equivalency (i.e. GED) scores. Applicants who have earned an associate degree or higher from an accredited institution may not be required to verify high school graduation or the equivalent provided they submit an official college transcript verifying the highest degree earned; and
  • Request an official copy of all transcripts from other colleges and universities attended be sent to SCC; and
  • Meet minimum College, program and course level entry requirements as measured by one or a combination of the five options explained under the section below entitled, Placement Assessment at Spartanburg Community College; and
  • Meet with an Enrollment Services representative prior to official acceptance to the College to review the results of the placement assessment or alternative means of skill level determination, discuss program-specific entrance requirements and review all pertinent campus resources and services.
  • Any exception for admission must be approved by the SCC Dean of Enrollment Management.

Placement Assessment at Spartanburg Community College

What is a Placement Assessment?

SCC requires all incoming students to prove college readiness via an approved placement assessment or other instrument such as ACT or SAT or prior college credits. Accuplacer, the placement assessment available through Spartanburg Community College, is an untimed assessment, available on a first-come, first-served basis which measures skills in reading, writing, and math. 

Are there other Placement Options available?

Spartanburg Community College employs the following options for determining a student’s program and course placement upon acceptance to the College; a combination of one or more of the options may be used. (All of the options below place students in college-level math courses (MAT 110 or 120) and English courses (ENG 101) or the math/English courses required in the student’s chosen curriculum, if lower.)

Placement Option 1:

ACT Scores - taken within the last 2 years

  • English (minimum score): 19
  • Math (minimum score):  22

Placement Option 2:

SAT Scores - taken within the last 2 years

  • Critical Reading (minimum required score): 26 combined with Reading/Writing: 510
  • Math (minimum required score): 580

Placement Option 3:

High School GPA & Coursework

Standard High School Diploma earned within the last 2 academic years



Standard High School Diploma - unofficial or official transcript evaluated meeting the following:

  • 4 English courses including English I, II, III, IV or higher-level courses (CP, AP/IB, Dual Enrollment)
    • 85 (B) or higher in all English courses
  • 4 Math courses including Algebra I (alternative: Foundations in Algebra AND Intermediate Algebra must be taken to equal Algebra I), Algebra II, Geometry, and one additional math class (Algebra III, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Discrete math, other capstone math course)
    • 85 (B) or higher in all Math courses

Placement Option 4:

ACCUPLACER Scores - taken within the last 2 years


Note:  There is no minimum entrance score required for math or English.  

ACCUPLACER skills assessed:

  • Sentence Skills
  • Reading
  • Arithmetic
  • Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics
  • Advanced Algebra and Function
    • Taking Quantitative Reasoning and Advanced Algebra portions of ACCUPLACER will be based on the academic program entry requirements as well as the score on the previous mathematics assessment portion (i.e. testing in Quantitative Reasoning will be based on a sufficient score in Arithmetic)

Minimum scores for each program are determined by academic divisions and will be made available during the applicant’s session with an admissions specialist

Placement Option 5:

GED College Ready Guidelines


HiSET College Readiness Guidelines (taken within the last two years)

Reasoning through Language Arts

  • Score of 165 or higher - eligible to register for English & reading-based courses according to program of study

Mathematical Reasoning

  • Score of 165 or higher - eligible to register for math courses according to program of study

​Language Arts Reading and Language Arts Writing

  • Score of 15 or higher in both categories - eligible to register for English & reading-based courses according to the program of study


  • Score of 15 or higher - eligible to register for math courses according to program of study

Placement Option 6:

Transfer Credits- taken at a regionally accredited institution of higher education and official transcript evaluated.  

  • Waive writing & reading placement tests if transferring credit for a college-level English course.
  • Waive math placement test if transferring credit for an acceptable college-level math course.
  • Waive reading placement test if transferring reading-based college level course with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • Developmental/Transitional-level courses may be considered with a minimum grade of “C” or higher. The student must submit an official transcript to officially transfer courses into SCC.

Is there a fee charged to take the Placement Assessment?

There is no additional charge for the initial placement assessment for prospective students who have completed an SCC application for admission. 

Is an appointment required and how much time should I allow for the assessment?

No appointment is necessary when testing at Giles Campus, but appointments are required at our other campuses; further information may be found at  Applicants should allow approximately two hours to complete the entire assessment, allowing time to finish the assessment by the Enrollment Services closing time.

*Note* Children may not accompany applicants into the testing room; no child under the age of 13 may be left unattended in the waiting area and no one under the age of 16 may attend to a younger child in the waiting area.

What should I bring with me for the Placement Assessment?

Applicants must present a picture ID to take the assessment. Acceptable forms of identification include a state issued ID or driver’s license, a military ID, employment ID, or an official school ID (high school or college). An online calculator is provided within the assessment; scratch paper is supplied as needed. All personal items, including phones, smart watches, etc, are not permitted in the assessment areas. Lockers are available to secure personal items while testing.

How can I prepare for the Placement Assessment?

The placement assessment measures skills in reading, writing and math and is used to determine an applicant’s present strengths and needs in these three areas. The results will assist Enrollment Services staff in determining course placement to ensure an opportunity for success in reaching educational goals. Although no special preparation is necessary to complete the assessment, applicants can read more about the Accuplacer assessment and view sample questions by visiting:

Other helpful sites for practice:

Is retesting allowed?

The assessment is not a pass/fail test, but is an assessment of an applicant’s current skills in reading, writing and math. In some circumstances, an applicant may be advised to consider retesting on one or more parts of the assessment. There is no additional charge for a second attempt. This will be discussed with the applicant when meeting with Enrollment Services after the assessment is complete.

When will my assessment scores be available?

Placement assessment scores are available immediately following the completion of the assessment. At this time, Enrollment Services staff will assist with interpretation of scores and resulting course placement, followed by discussion of next steps in the enrollment process.

What accommodations are provided for students with disabilities?

Applicants with a documented disability may be provided appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information, contact the Office of Student Disability Services at 864-592-4818, or 864-453-1882 (video phone), or, or visit the office located on the Giles campus in the P. Dan Hull Building, room E-4.

How can I have Placement Assessment scores sent to another institution?

Applicants may request to have placement assessment scores sent to another institution at no cost.  Please print and complete the Assessment Scores Release Form available at  The form can be emailed to or brought in person to the Admissions Center.  You must provide your state-issued ID (for example, a driver’s license) before the test scores will be released.  Scores will be sent no more than one business day after the form and ID are received.

What should I do if I have more questions regarding the Placement Assessment?

Applicants with further questions regarding the placement assessment or other admission requirements should contact Admissions at 864-592-4800 or visit Enrollment Services on one of the five Spartanburg Community College campuses.

Special Note Regarding Entrance Requirements and Criminal Background Checks

The information provided on the SCC application for admission will be used to develop an applicant file at Spartanburg Community College. General admission to SCC is based on minimal residency and academic preparatory requirements and does not require a criminal background check. However, some specific programs have more stringent entrance requirements that may include a criminal background check. Applicants are encouraged to review the website to explore the specific entrance requirements of the program of their choice.

Readmission Requirements

Students who are not enrolled at SCC for three consecutive semesters (including summer) and wish to re-enroll must reapply for admission. Students who want to reapply to the same program must re-enter under the current catalog for their program. These guidelines may affect the applicability of previously completed credit hours for the program and the total credit hours needed for program completion.

Students who have attended another institution during the interim must have an official transcript sent to Admissions. Individuals with financial obligations to the College must resolve these obligations before they will be allowed to register for classes. Under certain conditions, students may qualify for Fiscal Forgiveness if they meet all eligibility requirements. Students interested in pursuing Fiscal Forgiveness should contact the Business Office for more information.


SCC is required to determine the residency classification of applicants at the time of admission for tuition and fee purposes. A resident student is one who has abandoned all prior residences and has been residing in South Carolina and possess a state of SC state issued ID for at least 12 months, immediately preceding the first day of classes of the semester for which residency status is sought. In addition to this requirement, legal residents of S.C. must also either be a U.S. citizen or have been awarded permanent resident status (documentation required) by the U.S. Department of Justice. All non-citizens and non-permanent residents of the United States will be assessed tuition and fees at the non-resident, out-of-state rate except for those in certain approved non-immigrant visa classifications.

The initial determination of one’s residency status is made at the time an application for admission is submitted. The determination at that time, and any determination made thereafter, prevails for each subsequent semester until the determination is challenged successfully by the student. The burden of proof resides with the student to show evidence as deemed necessary to establish residency status. Appeals and all supporting documentation must be received before the end of the semester for which payment of in-state or in-county fees is requested. Once the semester in question has ended, any approved residency request changes will be applied to the next upcoming semester. Inquiries about residency requirements and determinations should be directed to Enrollment Services. International students are not considered residents of the State until they gain permanent resident status from the Department of Homeland Security.

Students who have not resided in South Carolina or a service-area county of residence for at least 12 months prior to enrolling in classes will be required to pay out-of-state or out-of-country tuition. Persons in the following categories may qualify to pay in-state fees without having to establish a permanent home in the State for 12 months. Persons who qualify under any of the following categories must meet the conditions of the specific category on or before the first day of classes of the semester for which payment of in-state fees is requested:

Residency for tuition/fee and state scholarship/grant purposes of US citizen students with undocumented parents (as approved by SC Commission on Higher Education on October 1, 2015).

In typical cases where a student is dependent on a parent or guardian, that student’s residency is presumed to be that of the parent or guardian. However, where that student is also a United States citizen, the student should be informed of this presumption and that the student may rebut the presumption by presenting evidence to establish that the student is entitled to in-state residency status notwithstanding the undocumented status of their parent or guardian. Further, Spartanburg Community College will consider in-county residency status if the evidence supports it.

In addition to the possession of valid South Carolina driver’s license or identification card supportive documentation that may be requested from the student to form the basis for the determination may include official high school transcript from a South Carolina high school showing years of attendance, proof that the student filed SC tax returns for prior tax years, proof that the parent or guardian on whom the student is dependent filed SC tax returns for prior years, and other proof such as evidence of full-time employment in SC.

Information that may be obtained from the student to form the basis for the determination may include number of years the student has resided in the state of South Carolina (and County of Spartanburg, Cherokee, Union), official high school transcript from a South Carolina high school showing years of attendance, possession of valid South Carolina driver’s license or identification card, possession of a valid SC vehicle registration if the student owns the vehicle, proof that the student filed SC tax returns for prior tax years, proof that the parent or guardian on whom the student is dependent filed SC tax returns for prior years, and other proof such as evidence of employment in SC, a lease showing residency in SC (and County of Spartanburg, Cherokee, Union), utility bills, etc.

Military Personnel and their Dependents

Members of the United States Armed Forces (and their dependents) who are stationed in South Carolina on active duty may be considered eligible to pay in-state fees. Armed forces shall mean federal military personnel in the United States Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard. When such personnel are ordered away from the state, their dependents may continue to pay in-state fees for an additional 12 months. Such persons (and their dependents) may also be eligible to pay in-state fees for a period of 12 months after their discharge from the military, provided they have demonstrated an intent to establish a permanent home in South Carolina, and they have resided in South Carolina for a period of at least 12 months immediately preceding their discharge. Military personnel who are not stationed in South Carolina and/or former military personnel who intend to establish South Carolina residency must fulfill the 12 month physical presence requirement for them or their dependents to qualify to pay in-state fees. To establish South Carolina resident status, such persons must establish residence in accordance with the regulations.

Chapter 30, 31 and Chapter 33 (Post 911) veterans under Section 702 of the Veterans Choice Act

  1. Veterans covered under Chapters 30, 31 and 33 receiving VA benefits are entitled to in-state tuition and fees without regard to length of time in SC; must have served at least 90 days or longer and enroll within three years of discharge from the military; are eligible if Chapter 33 and they transfer their benefits if they live in SC and must remain continuously enrolled while using their benefits.
  2. Veterans covered under Act 11 do not have to establish permanent residency, but must be living in SC, may use a dormitory address, may be living in someone else’s home and are not required to have a lease or other bills in their name. However, they must have a notarized statement identifying their resident address.
  3. To receive in-state residency approval the veteran must present 1) certificate of eligibility, 2) DD 214 (indicating their discharge date) and 3) proof of physical address (notarized statement). Note: all three of these items are required.

Faculty and Administrative Employees and their Dependent Children and Spouses

Full-time faculty and administrative employees of South Carolina state-supported college and universities are eligible to pay in-state fees. Dependents of such persons are also eligible.

Residents with Full-Time Employment and their Dependents

Persons who reside, possess a valid South Carolina driver’s license or identification card and are employed full-time in South Carolina and will continue to work full-time until they meet the 12-month requirement are eligible to pay in-state fees, provided that they have taken the steps to establish a permanent home in the state. The dependents of such persons are also eligible. The dependents of such persons are also eligible and are required to possess a valid South Carolina driver’s license or identification card.

Retired Persons

Retired persons and their dependents who are receiving a pension or annuity and who reside in South Carolina and have been domiciled in South Carolina as prescribed in the statute for less than a year may be eligible for in-state rates if they maintain residence and domicile in this state.

Persons on terminal leave and their dependents who have established residency in South Carolina may be eligible for in-state rates even if domiciled in the state for less than one year, if they present documentary evidence from their employer showing they are on terminal leave. The evidence should show beginning and ending dates for the terminal leave period and that the person will receive a pension or annuity when he or she retires.

Authorization for Offering Online Classes to Out-of-state Students

Spartanburg Community College is an approved member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). Through NC-SARA, SCC can deliver online courses and programs to residents in every state, except California.

Special Admission Categories

Transient Students

Students enrolled at other colleges and who wish to take courses at SCC for the purpose of transferring the credit hours back to the home institution may do so by submitting an SCC Application for Admission. It is the responsibility of the student to determine if the courses at SCC will transfer to their home institution. Students are advised to submit a completed transient permission form from their home institution detailing the courses for which they have approval to take at SCC; if a transient permission form or a college transcript is not submitted, the applicant must complete the appropriate section of the admissions placement assessment or submit copies of ACT or SAT scores. Further information available at  Transient students are considered non-degree seeking students and thus are not eligible for VA benefits or financial aid at SCC. For detailed instructions on applying as a transient student, visit

Early Admission Programs

Dual Enrollment Program

The Dual Enrollment Program provides high school students an opportunity to enroll in SCC courses prior to graduation from high school. Courses offered include general education, technologies, and health science courses that may be applied toward many SCC programs of study. Dual enrollment courses are offered on the campuses of SCC at participating high schools and career/technology centers, and online. Students receive credit on their high school transcript as well as on a SCC transcript. Completion of courses in the Dual Enrollment Program does not constitute the waiver of any regular admission requirements for later acceptance into a program of study at SCC. Permission from the student’s parent or guardian, as well as the high school, homeschool, or career/technology center principal/director or designee, is required to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program. The student is responsible for any tuition, fees, supplies, and textbook costs associated with enrollment in dual enrollment courses. If the student subsequently enrolls at SCC after high school graduation, all courses attempted will count in the evaluation of satisfactory academic progress and may affect financial aid eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to determine transferability of individual courses to colleges other than those in the South Carolina Technical College System. The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act (SC Code Ann.59-101-430 (Westlaw 2008) prohibits those unlawfully present in the United States from attending a public institution of higher education in South Carolina and from receiving a public higher education benefit. Students enrolling in dual enrollment courses must attest that they are a U.S. citizen, a legal permanent resident of the United States, or an alien lawfully present in the United States.

All students interested in applying for the Dual Enrollment Program must:

  • Complete and submit the Dual Enrollment Application; and
  • Complete and submit the Dual Enrollment Permission and Registration Form; and
  • Meet eligibility requirements through their high school, which may include completing the Accuplacer placement assessment for the course(s) considered for dual enrollment or providing SAT or ACT scores that were earned within a maximum of five years and meet the minimum college requirement.  High school juniors and seniors with a weighted 3.0 High School GPA may place into dual enrollment courses without taking the Accuplacer with parental and school superintendent approval. Sophomores are required to take the Accuplacer to establish dual enrollment eligibility. Individual high schools and career/technology centers may adopt additional requirements for placing students in dual enrollment courses. 

Any exception for admission to the Early College Dual Enrollment program must be approved by the Director of Admissions and/or Dean of Enrollment Management.

Non-High School Graduates

Applicants who are at least 18 years of age but have not earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency (GED) may apply for admission to selected industrial technology certificate programs only. Provisional acceptance into a certificate in welding; industrial electricity; or heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration technology will be contingent on approved placement or assessment scores and the referral of the student to a local adult education program. Acceptance and enrollment will be allowed for the initial semester and the student must submit proof of obtaining a high school diploma or high school equivalency (GED) to enroll in subsequent semesters. Non-high school graduates are not eligible for VA benefits or financial aid at SCC.

Special Admissions Procedures

School of Education/Early Care and Education 

Applicants wishing to enroll in the Associate of Applied Science Early Care & Education degree program, the Infant and Toddler Certificate or the Early Childhood Development Certificate Program must submit to a criminal background investigation (CBI).

Business Technology Programs - Administrative Office Technology Guidelines

Keyboarding skills are required for students entering ALL administrative office technology programs (degrees and certificates.) AOT 105 - Keyboarding is required to be taken the first semester the student is enrolled.

Students in the AOT-Medical (AOT-M) program must complete a criminal background investigation (CBI) at their expense prior to participating in any internship/clinical/co-op experience. Clinical/co-op facilities will determine the eligibility of the student to participate at their site and may exercise discretion regarding convictions more than 10 years ago or convictions that indicate a pattern of criminal behavior.

Students in the AOT-M program must also complete a drug screen at their expense prior to participating in any internship/clinical/co-op experience.

Students who do not pass the drug screen or do not meet the employers CBI standards will be immediately withdrawn from the program. The CBI and drug screening will be initiated by the program faculty after the student has been accepted into the program but prior to beginning any clinical experience.

Students in the AOT-Medical (AOT-M) program should be aware that additional costs will be incurred for uniforms, immunizations and CPR certification.

Students who do not pass the drug screen or do not meet the employers CBI standards will be immediately withdrawn from the program. The CBI and drug screening will be initiated by the program faculty after the student has been accepted into the program but prior to beginning any clinical experience.

Students in the AOT-Medical (AOT-M) program should be aware that additional costs will be incurred for uniforms, immunizations and CPR certification.

Health Science Programs

Some Health Science programs require additional application procedures. Students must complete the following program-specific application procedures at the College after completing the regular college application:

  • Meet with an Admissions Counselor to discuss additional program requirements.
  • All students accepted into a Health Science curriculum program must submit criminal background investigation (CBI) check and a drug screen test as determined by each clinical site. The due dates will be determined by each department chair or program director and posted on the SCC website. The CBI and drug screen test are at the student’s expense. Any of these tests that must be repeated are at the student’s expense.

Health Science programs typically limit the number of students who may begin the discipline specific courses in any given semester. Students who are accepted to the College may select Health Science programs, but that does not guarantee the student a seat in the discipline specific curriculum. Accepted Health Science program applicants should refer to specific academic requirements and standards of the chosen Health Science program for specific program information and required GPA. Students who have been selected to enter the discipline specific curriculum will be notified by the Health Science Division, in writing. The Health Science Division maintains a list of program specific requirements.