Feb 06, 2025  
2023-2024 SCC Catalog 
2023-2024 SCC Catalog Archived

Course Policies, Student Expectations and Concerns

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

SCC defines academic integrity as both the practice and commitment to defending academic honesty, personal responsibility, and respect for one’s own and others’ intellectual work. SCC expects every member of the College community to support, promote and enforce academic integrity, which is fundamental to the mission of the College.

All forms of academic misconduct including, but not limited to, cheating on tests, plagiarism, collusion, and falsification of information will call for discipline. Alleged violations will be handled according to the College procedures presented in the SCC Student Planner and Handbook.

Add/Drop Period

The add/drop period is the first five instructional days of the fall, spring and full summer terms. The add/drop period for the FlexStart terms in the fall, spring and summer terms is the first two-three (2-3) instructional days of the term, depending on the term.

During the add/drop period students may drop courses without academic penalty but students may add only courses that have not yet met. Enrollment in courses that have already met (including hybrid and online) is at the discretion of the department chair.

Students who register for a course but who do not attend a face-to-face class or log into and actively participate in an online course before the published deadline will be dropped from the course for not attending. No grade will be assigned for courses dropped for no attendance and a full refund of tuition and the enrollment fee will be processed. Courses dropped during the add/drop period will not appear on transcripts.

Students may be reinstated in a class at the discretion of the department chair.

Additional information about dropping and adding courses can be found at the SCC website Dropping and Adding Classes page.



Students are responsible for punctual and regular attendance in all classes, laboratories, clinicals, practica, internships, field trips and other class activities. When illness or other emergencies occur, the student is responsible for notifying instructors. Students should also inform the instructor in advance if they know they are going to miss class. Students must take responsibility for completing missed work if approved for late submissions by instructors. Students should not expect that they will be allowed to make up work, such as quizzes or tests, after an absence. Instructors are not responsible for re-teaching materials students miss when they are absent. The College does not grant excused absences; therefore, students are urged to reserve their absences for emergencies.

Online Course Attendance

Attendance is an online course involves actively participating, as indicated by posting to an online discussion, submitting an assignment, taking an assessment, communicating with the instructor, or completing other activities as designated by the instructor. Students must have logged into and actively participated in the online course by the end of the drop/add period. Students who fail to meet this attendance requirement by the end of the drop/add period will be dropped from the class by the instructor


Students are tardy if not in class at the time the class is scheduled to begin. Students who are tardy are admitted to class at the discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to be in class the entire class time. They should not enter late or leave early. Rare exceptions may be made, particularly in emergency circumstances, but students should be prepared to explain their tardiness to the instructor after class. Likewise, students should explain before class any need to leave early.

Instructors maintain attendance records. However, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course. A student who stops attending class and fails to initiate a withdrawal will remain on the class roster. A student who does not complete an assignment, test or final exam in the course will receive a zero for each missing grade and the final course grade will be calculated accordingly.

Absences for Religious Holidays

Students who are absent from class in order to observe religious holidays are responsible for the content of any activities missed and for the completion of assignments occurring during the period of absence. Students who anticipate their observance of religious holidays will cause them to be absent from class and do not wish such absences to penalize their status in class should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Observance of religious holidays resulting in three or fewer consecutive absences: Discuss the situation with the instructor and provide written notice at least one week prior to the absence(s). Develop in writing an instructor-approved plan which outlines the make-up of activities and assignments.

  2. Observance of religious holidays resulting in four or more consecutive absences: Discuss the situations with the instructor and provide the instructor with written notice within the first 10 days of the academic term. Develop (in writing) an instructor-approved plan which outlines the make-up of activities and assignments.

Classroom Conduct & Behavior

The instructor sets the standards of behavior acceptable in the classroom by announcing these standards early in the term. If a student behaves disruptively in class after the instructor has explained the unacceptability of such conduct, the instructor may dismiss the student for the remainder of that class period. The instructor shall initiate a discussion with the student to resolve the issue prior to the next class meeting. The faculty member should inform their department chair about the issue.

A further disruption by the student may result in a second dismissal and referral in writing by the faculty member to the vice president of student affairs copying the department chair using the SCC Student Referral Form. Student should refer to the SCC Student Planner and Handbook for complete information on the student code of conduct.

Listed below are guidelines for classroom/lab behavior that the College has established to ensure a conducive learning environment:

  1. Conversation

Students should not carry on side conversations in class.

  1. Internet

In classes where internet access is provided, students may use the internet for valid, academic purposes only. They may not access other sites unrelated to the course.

  1. Sleep

Students may not sleep in class; they are expected to be attentive and focused.

  1. Attitude

Students are expected to maintain a courteous/civil attitude in class. They may not use inappropriate or offensive language, verbal or non-verbal, to convey their attitude regarding the course, the instructor, assignments or fellow students. This includes, but is not limited to, making fun of others, disrupting class, shouting, speaking in a disrespectful tone of voice, or refusing to carry out assignments.

  1. Profanity and Offensive Language

Students may not use profanity or offensive language in any public area (to include student hub areas) on campus.

  1. Cell phones

Students may not receive or send phone calls or text messages during class. They are responsible for turning off or silencing cell phones and other electronic devices upon entering class (an exception will be made for public service employees on call)

  1. Guests and children

Students may not bring unregistered friends or children to class.

  1. Food, Drink, Tobacco Products

Food and/or drink may be allowable in class at the discretion of the instructor, however, use in lab areas may be more restrictive. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any trash is disposed of properly. No one may use tobacco products in any building at SCC. Smoking (and vaping) is only allowed in designated outside areas.

  1. Physical Disruptions and/or Physical Altercation

No one may, under any circumstances, provoke or engage in physical altercations of any nature. This includes harassment, grandstanding or threats of any kind.

  1. Instructor Conference

Students who need to speak privately with an instructor should not attempt to do so during the class period. Students are advised to make appointments with instructors during their scheduled office hours.

The College expects every student to conduct himself/herself in an appropriate manner. Violations will be referred to the vice president of student affairs for disciplinary action as deemed necessary.

Equal Access/Opportunity Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Spartanburg Community College

Spartanburg Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin/ethnic origin, veteran status or disability in its admission policies, programs, activities or employment practices. The term “on the basis of sex,” when used in the employment context, includes pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, including, but not limited to, lactation. The college complies with the provisions of Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1986; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the South Carolina Human Affairs Law of 1972; and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as well as the ADA Amendments of 2008 (ADAAA). For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact Dr. DeAndre Howard, who coordinates Title IX, at (864) 592-4164.  

SCC complies fully with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. For additional information on ADA and ADAA policies, contact Joshua Holmes, Coordinator of SCC Student Disability Services, at (864) 592-4818. Students needing accommodations may contact Student Disability Services, located on the SCC Giles Campus in P. Dan Hull Building, Office-Room E-4, by phone (864) 592-4818, or by email to disabilityservices@sccsc.edu.  Requests for video correspondence can be made by emailing the above address.


Final Grade Review 

Course grades are final when entered into the database by the instructors. A student may request a review of a final grade (see policy 10) if he or she believes the instructor erred in assigning the grade. The SCC records office will adjust the student’s transcript if the review confirms that an error was made. The student must request the review by the last day of the following full term. 

Grading System 

Spartanburg Community College uses the following system of grades: 

Grade Scale 


Quality Points 

Used in GPA Calculation 

Credit Hours Awarded 




Above Average 






Below Average 




















Transfer Credit 



* Zero-level transitional studies course grades are not used in grade point average (GPA) computation. 

** An “I” grade is given by an instructor when it is appropriate to allow a student the opportunity to complete required course work after the term has officially ended. An “I” grade may be given only when the instructor determines that unusual and extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of the course during the term. A student receiving “I” grade should outline a plan for the submission of work with the instructor. The student must complete outstanding work at least one week prior to the last day of the next full term (fall, spring, summer) in order for the instructor to have adequate time to grade the work and submit the final grade before the deadline. The instructor must submit a grade change from “I” to a standard grade (A, B, C, D or F) by the end of the working day on the last day of the subsequent full semester. Otherwise, the “I” grade is changed automatically to an “F.” In some programs, students may be required to complete outstanding work in a shorter period of time to continue in the program. The date of the completion, in this case, is to be determined by the instructor and the records office will enter the date. Completion dates assigned are not to extend the past subsequent term. 

Grade Point Average 

  1. Multiply credit hours attempted by grade points* or quality points for course points. 
  2. Add credit hours attempted for the total credit hours attempted. 
  3. Add course points for total course points. 
  4. Divide total course points by total credit hours attempted for GPA.  



Credit Hours  

Course Grade 

Grade Points 

Course Credit x Grade Points 

Course Points 

BIO 101



4 x 3 = 


ENG 101



3 x 2 = 


Total (7) 







Course Grade Points (18) 
Credit Hours Attempted (7) 

=2.57 GPA 



Repeated Grade Policy 

If a student repeats a course, both grades will remain on the transcript. Only the highest grade obtained for the course will be used to calculate the grade point average. In determining satisfactory academic progress, the financial aid office must count all course work completed. A student may repeat a course, but the repetitions will count toward the length of eligibility. 

Information Technology (IT) Access

The information technology resources provided by Spartanburg Community College (this includes, but is not limited to, computers, the SCC Local Area and Wide Area Networks, and the Internet) is for academic purposes. Use of these resources is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use can result in revocation or suspension of this privilege

 Online Behavior

The use of Spartanburg Community College’s website, e-mail service or course management system for creation and/or distribution of material not pertaining to course participation is prohibited and is grounds for dismissal according to college policy under “disruptive behavior”. Such actions, include, but are not limited to:

  • Inappropriate use of email and discussion boards for:
    • Harassment
    • Unlawful solicitation
    • “Spamming”
    • “Flaming”
  • Use of online editing tools within the course management software to:
    • Create offensive material
    • Link to inappropriate materials

 Online Confidentiality

The College assigns each student a username and password providing access to the SCC Portal, online course management system, e-mail, and other online resources. Students have the ability to change this password to one of their own choosing and should not share it with anyone else.

Students will interact with instructors and other students through SCC e-mail and the college’s online course management system. These systems include privacy safeguards, and instructors will make every effort to maintain confidentiality of any personal communications with a student. However, due to the nature and technology of electronic communication, SCC is unable to guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of student e-mail messages. Students should use discretion in transmitting information that is sensitive in nature. Students always have the option to request a private appointment with instructors or advisors in person or by phone. Students should assume all participants in a course can read postings in the online course discussion forums or live chat tools. Students’ college e-mail addresses are available to other students in the class through the college e-mail system.

Online courses, by their nature, include links to websites not under control of the college and security procedures. Students should use care when accessing non-SCC websites and are encouraged to regularly update their browsers, operating systems, and security software.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The Student Disability Services Center serves as an advocate for students with disabilities who self-identify and provide supporting documentation when required, ensuring that they have equal access to all College programs and services. Students with disabilities who may need reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services (such as note-takers, testing accommodations and ASL interpreters) are encouraged to inform an admissions specialist or contact the coordinator of student disability services prior to the beginning of the term for which they are requesting accommodations or services. Students are encouraged to register early so any approved accommodation plan can be developed in a timely manner. For more information, contact Joshua Holmes, Coordinator of Student Disability Services at (864) 592-4818, email disabilityservices@sccsc.edu or visit the office located on the Giles Campus in the P. Dan Hull Building in office suite 4. For detailed information regarding registering with Student Disability Services, forms and student resources, visit the Student Disability Services page on the SCC website

 Student Concerns

If a student ever feels that there is something unreasonable or unfair in any course at Spartanburg Community College, it is the student’s responsibility to first discuss the matter in private with his or her instructor. Any concern MUST follow this chain of command. 

  • Instructor of Course
  • Department Chair 
  • Dean 
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to in initiate the formal grievance process. For more information, students should refer to Student Grievance Procedure in the SCC Student Planner and Handbook. 

For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact Dr. DeAndre Howard, Dean of Student Engagement, who coordinates Title IX, at (864) 592-4164.  For additional information on ADA and ADAA policies, contact Joshua Holmes, Coordinator of SCC Student Disability Services, at (864) 592-4818.

Link to Student Grievance Procedure

Student Help Services

Click here for a comprehensive list of services able to students.


There are three types of withdrawals, but the process for assigning a grade remains the same.

Withdrawal from a Course

Students who withdraw from a course after the add/drop period receive a “W.” If they are receiving financial aid, they should contact the financial aid office prior to withdrawal from a course. Students may withdraw from a course through Self-Service or by submitting a withdraw form to student records prior to the withdrawal deadlines established by the College (typically during the first 75% of the course). Faculty signatures are not required to withdraw from courses. A student or an instructor cannot initiate a withdrawal during the last 25 percent of the course except in extenuating circumstances, with documentation submitted to the Registrar who will review and request approvals as necessary.

Term Withdrawal

Occurs when all courses for that term are dropped.

Withdrawal from the College

Students who do not attend the College for three consecutive terms will be administratively withdrawn from the College by the student records office. Once a student has been withdrawn from the College, he/she must go through the admissions process to be re-instated. Once re-instated, he/she is required to meet program requirements under the catalog for the term in which he/she is re-instated.