2023-2024 SCC Catalog Archived
MAT 240 - Analytical Geometry & Calculus III Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Description: This course includes the following topics: multivariable calculus, including vectors; partial derivatives and their applications to maximum and minimum problems with and without constraints; line integrals; multiple integrals in rectangular and other coordinates; and stokes’ and green’s theorems. (Prerequisite: Analytical Geometry and Calculus II)
Prerequisite(s): Take MAT 141 with a minimum grade of C. Course Topics:
- Vectors and the Geometry of Space
- Vector-Valued Functions
- Functions of Several Variables
- Multiple Integration
- Vector Analysis
Textbooks: Textbook information can be found on the Book Inn website Required Materials:
- Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator.
- Any other device must be approved by the instructor of the course.
Grading System: An overall grade of C or higher is required for transferability.
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 0 - 59 Student Learning Outcomes:
- Solve three dimensional problems using vectors, lines, or planes.
- Solve problems within cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems.
- Solve vector-valued functions by applying differentiation or integration.
- Solve problems with functions of several variables using partial differentiation.
- Solve problems using iterated integrals.
For SCC Online Courses: If the course you are taking is online, please review the SCC Online Course Policies that include:
- Identity Verification
- Required materials for all online courses
- Mandatory Attendance Requirement
- Orientation and Support
- Proctored Exams
Standard SCC Course Policies: Please review the Standard Course Policies on the following topics:
- Academic Integrity
- Add/Drop period
- Attendance
- Classroom Conduct
- Equal Access
- IT Access
- Online Behavior
- Online Confidentiality
- Services For Students with Disabilities
- Student Concerns
- Student Help Services
- Withdrawals
 Official Course Syllabus 2023-2024