Jan 30, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Clubs and Organizations

SCC offers a variety of Student Life activities in which students are encouraged to partici­pate. There are several clubs and organizations students may join. A list of these organizations, a brief introduction, details regarding membership, and their area of focus may be found on the college’s website for Student Life. Get involved to make the most of your college experience! New clubs are always forming! Organizations and clubs include:  

American Sign Language Club
Horticulture Club
National Technical Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society 
Student Government Association
Student Massage Therapists Club
Student Veterans Association
Teacher Education Club


American Sign Language (ASL) Club membership is open to SCC students, faculty and staff. Affiliate membership is open to any interested members of the community. The club exists to enhance appreciation, promotion and comprehension of American Sign Language, its culture and history among the members, the College, and the community. Through exposure to social, educational and cultural activities, the club intends to facilitate, develop and enrich the respective understanding of each individual who attends. 


The SCC Horticulture Club is open to all individuals enrolled in horticulture technology. The club integrates learning experiences and leadership, while providing members an opportunity to learn more about their fellow classmates. The horticulture profession is promoted in an attempt to educate the industry and the public. Meetings are conducted monthly, with guest speakers, field trips and special projects. The club participates in several fundraising projects, including the Annual Fall and Spring Plant Sale. 


At SCC, we recognize the academic achievements of outstanding career program students through invitation to join the National Technical Honor Society. Membership is limited to career program majors who have earned and currently hold a minimum 3.0 GPA and a minimum 3.5 program GPA in an eligible academic program, and have completed 12 or more semester hours of collegiate coursework. High school seniors planning to attend SCC are also eligible for membership transfer from their secondary chapter to SCC’s post- secondary chapter. Members enjoy opportunities for networking, leadership and job skills development, scholarships, community service, campus involvement and more. For more information about eligibility, application deadlines, chapter fees, or applying for membership, interested students may contact the chapter advisors. 


Phi Theta Kappa is the only internationally recognized honor society for two-year colleges. Associate degree students with 12 credit hours of college-level coursework completed at Spartanburg Community College and an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher will receive invitation letters to join SCC’s Beta Sigma Psi Chapter. For additional details regarding eligibility, induction fees, and other information, please contact one of the chapter advisors. 


Student Government, an organization which provides students a voice in College concerns and student affairs. Membership consists of appointed and/or elected representatives from the student body at large. Student Government members have the opportunity to serve on various campus and community committees, assist with student events, and participate in leadership/life skills development programs. 


The Student Massage Therapists Club is open to massage therapy students enrolled at SCC as well as any faculty, staff, or other students who wish to actively promote the profession on campus and in the community. Meetings are held bi-monthly in both fall and spring semesters on the Tyger River campus. Members must attend at least one meeting and participate in at least one club activity each year to remain active. The primary fund-raising activity of the club is the student massage clinic held each Friday, January - April. The club may plan other fund-raising activities, educational field trips, or offer massage at various campus or community events. Funds are used to support approved club activities; this typically includes helping to pay for members’ MBLEx exam fees. 


The mission of the Student Veterans Association is to provide military veterans, current service members, dependents, and supporters with a supportive environment for networking and camaraderie. The emphasis is to foster relationships within and outside Spartanburg Community College to address student veterans’ needs, facilitate student success, and to increase students’ access to the multitude of available resources. For additional information including membership eligibility, please contact one of the chapter advisors. 


The Teacher Education Club is open to students who are majoring in a Spartanburg Community College teacher education partnership. The club supports and sponsors activities related to the field of education such as tutoring, school supply and book drives, and off- site classroom events. The Teacher Education Club also enjoys networking opportunities with TEAch club members at USC Upstate. Questions regarding membership eligibility, club dues or other information may be directed to a club advisor. 

Other Clubs and Organizations include: 

  • Anthropology Club
  • ASCEND, Arts and Literature Magazine Society
  • Cru 
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club
  • Esports Club
  • Gospel Choir
  • Hub Wizards, Magic: The Gathering Club
  • SCC Business Alliance Club
  • SCC Fishing Club

To get more information about clubs and organizations email Student Life at studentlife@sccsc.edu.



Existing Student Clubs/Organizations

  • Each club and organization must submit a certification form to be an active group for that academic year. This is due by the end of August each year. Each club will receive the form from Student Life as the deadline approaches. You may also reach out to Student Life to recertify each year.
  • Each organization must have a constitution on file with the Director of Student Life that states its purpose, its rules for operation and other pertinent principles. Revisions must be submitted to the above individual. 
  • The policies and objectives of the campus organizations must be consistent with those of the College and the guidelines of the Student Life Department. 
  • Membership lists are kept on file in the Student Life Office, Jack A. Powers Building, C-Wing. 
  • The organization must select from among the full-time faculty or staff of the College an individual who agrees to assume the role of advisor. 
  • The organization must schedule all social, service and fundraising functions through the Student Life Department. 
  • The organization must adhere to all College policies and social standards. 
  • The organization must maintain an active program and fulfill its stated purposes. 
  • No person may be excluded from membership of any organization because of color, race, religion, national origin/ethnic origin, disability or sex. 
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required to be a candidate for an office in a student organization. The advisor of the organization is responsible for reviewing and approving the eligibility of each candidate. If at any time an officer’s grade point average falls below 2.0 and/or the student is placed on academic probation, the person will be ineligible to hold office. The advisor will specify the procedures for selecting a replacement. 

Establishing New Clubs/Organizations 

Students interested in forming a new campus club or organization should follow the procedures outlined below. To access the required forms and guidelines, log in to MySCC Portal and select the Student Life tab. Hard copies of campus club/organization forms are also available upon request from the Student Life Office, Giles Campus, Jack A. Powers Building, C-Wing. Campus clubs and organizations may be started at any time during the academic year; however, the approval and installation process may take several months to complete. Please refer to College Procedure V-20.2, Student Clubs/Organizations, for more information. 

  • Obtain at least 5 members who are interested in forming a club. 
  • Obtain a full-time faculty or staff member employed by the College who is interested in serving as the club/organization’s advisor.
  • Contact Student Life at studentlife@sccsc.edu to request a Student Club and Organization Registration form for New Clubs/Orgs 
  • Submit form with all required information (request to organize , roster of charter members, club advisor form, and proposed club/organization constitution) to the Student Life Department as indicated in the form link.
  • The Student Life Department will review the paperwork, contact the requesting club/organization representative for further information as needed. The club/organization will not be recognized and may not conduct club-sponsored activities on any campus of Spartanburg Community College until approved, in writing, by the Student Life Department. 
  • Within thirty business days of the campus club/organization’s formal recognition, the following must be submitted to the Student Life Department, Jack A. Powers Building, C-Wing: 
    • Roster of current members and officers 
    • Final copy of the club/organization’s constitution 
    • Club/organization advisor orientation form 
    • Club/organization officer orientation forms 
    • Club/organization financial information form 

The organization must keep all records updated with the Student Life Office to remain active on campus.