Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Classroom/Lab Conduct and Expectations

While there are many informal situations in which people have neither the desire nor the right to prescribe how others ought to behave, a college class/lab environment requires a higher level of courtesy than many people exercise in ordinary public places.

In an educational environment, each instructor has the responsibility to maintain a class/lab environment conducive to student learning. Discussion of all views relevant to the subject matter is recognized as necessary to the education process, but students do not have a right to infringe on the freedom of instructors to teach or the right of other students to learn. The College encourages students to express their opinions and ideas in an orderly manner, since a free exchange of views enhances the learning process. However, the College will not condone verbal combat or verbal abuse among students and instructors. Students are expected to comply with the Student Code. The instructor has an obligation to make students aware of rules for the class/lab and to inform students if they are violating these rules. If a student behaves disruptively in a class, lab or field trip after the instructor has explained the unacceptability of such conduct, the instructor may dismiss the student and refer the matter to the Vice President of Strategic Innovation, or designee.

Spartanburg Community College, a higher education institution for adult learning, offers programs/courses designed for adult learners. It fosters a partnership between instructors with the desire to teach and students with the desire to learn. In order to create an appropriate environment for teaching and learning, students must show respect for their instructors and for their fellow students. In other words, students are to conduct themselves maturely as they work toward achieving serious goals in an institution of higher learning.

Listed below are guidelines for class/lab behavior that the College has established to ensure that the learning environment is not comprised:


Students are expected to be in class the entire class time. They should not enter late or leave early. Rare exceptions may be made, particularly in emergency circumstances, but students should be prepared to explain their tardiness to the instructor after class. Likewise, students should explain before class any need to leave early.


Students should inform the instructor in advance if they know they are going to miss class. They should reserve absences for emergencies. Also, students must take responsibility for finding out what material they missed and for getting assignments from other students. They should not expect that they will be allowed to make up work, such as quizzes or tests, after an absence. Instructors are not responsible for re-teaching materials students miss when they are absent.


Students should not carry on side conversations in class.

Other Activities

Students should not work on other activities while in class. This includes homework for other courses or other personal activities.


In classes where Internet access is provided, students may use the Internet for valid, academic purposes only. They may not access other sites unrelated to the course.


Students may not sleep in class; they are expected to be attentive and focused.


Students are expected to maintain a courteous/civil attitude in class. They may not use inappropriate or offensive language, verbal or non-verbal, to convey their attitude regarding the course, the instructor, assignments or fellow students.

This includes, but is not limited to, making fun of others, disrupting class, shouting, speaking in a disrespectful tone of voice, or refusing to carry out assignments.

Profanity and Offensive Language

Students may not use profanity or offensive language in any public area (to include Student Hub areas) on campus.

Electronic Devices

Students are permitted to possess personal electronic devices during lecture and lab settings supervised by the college. The devices shall be kept out of sight and silenced or powered down during the instructional period except when the device is used as an approved accommodation to allow the student to participate fully in the learning environment or with the explicit permission of the instructor.

Guests and Children

Students may not bring unregistered friends or children to class.

Food, Drink, Tobacco Products

Food and/or drink may be allowed in class at the discretion of the instructor; however, use in lab areas may be more restrictive. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any trash is disposed of properly.

No one may use tobacco products in any building at SCC. Smoking (and vaping) is only allowed in designated outside areas.

Physical Disruptions and/or Physical Altercation

No one may, under any circumstances, provoke or engage in physical altercations of any nature. This includes harassment, grandstanding or threats of any kind.

Individual Business

Students who need to speak privately with an instructor should not attempt to do so during the class period. Students are advised to make appointments with instructors during their scheduled office hours.

The guidelines listed above are not meant to be an exhaustive list. SCC developed this list to address some of the more commonly seen infractions. The College expects every student to conduct himself/herself in an appropriate manner. Violations will be referred to Vice President of Strategic Innovation, for disciplinary action as deemed necessary.

Tips for Success

  • Come to class/lab prepared to work. This includes bringing materials needed for class/lab (textbook, workbook, thumb drives, writing materials, notebook, etc.)
  • Take notes
  • Complete assigned readings and other homework on time
  • Contribute in class as appropriate
  • Focus your attention on the subject at hand