Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook


Students are responsible for punctual and regular attendance in all classes, laboratories, clinicals, practica, internships, field trips and other class activities. When illness or other emergencies occur, the student is responsible for notifying instructors. Students should also inform the instructor in advance if they know they are going to miss class. Students must take responsibility for completing missed work if approved for late submissions by instructors. Students should not expect that they will be allowed to make up work, such as quizzes or tests, after an absence. Instructors are not responsible for re-teaching materials students miss when they are absent. The College does not grant excused absences; therefore, students are urged to reserve their absences for emergencies.


Students are tardy if not in class at the time the class is scheduled to begin. Students who are tardy are admitted to class at the discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to be in class the entire class time. They should not enter late or leave early. Rare exceptions may be made, particularly in emergency circumstances, but students should be prepared to explain their tardiness to the instructor after class. Likewise, students should explain before class any need to leave early.

Instructors maintain attendance records. However, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course. A student who stops attending class and fails to initiate a withdrawal will remain on the class roster. A student who does not complete an assignment, test, or final exam in the course will receive a zero for each missing grade and the final course grade will be calculated accordingly.

Absences for Religious Holidays

Students who are absent from class in order to observe religious holidays are responsible for the content of any activities missed and for the completion of assignments occurring during the period of absence. Students who anticipate their observance of religious holidays will cause them to be absent from class and do not wish such absences to penalize their status in class should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Observance of religious holidays resulting in three or fewer consecutive absences: Discuss the situation with the instructor and provide written notice at least one week prior to the absence(s). Develop (in writing) an instructor-approved plan which outlines the make-up of activities and assignments.
  • Observance of religious holidays resulting in four or more consecutive absences:

Discuss the situation with the instructor and provide the instructor with written notice within the first 10 days of the academic term. Develop (in writing) an instructor- approved plan which outlines the make-up of activities and assignments.

Absences for Military Deployment

The College will make every effort to accommodate students who are deployed for military service. Students who are absent from class because they have been deployed (military service or national guard) are responsible for the content of any activities missed and for the completion of assignments occurring during the period of deployment. The student must notify the Records Department of the pending absences prior to deployment, provide written documentation of the deployment prior to being absent, and must request accommodations to minimize the impact of the deployment on their academic record/progress. Accommodations include but are not limited to:

  • The student must provide documentation of deployment prior to being absent and request a proposal for making up assignments missed with his/her instructors while deployed.
  • The student may receive a grade of Incomplete for the course if the faculty determine that the course content can be made up under the timeline and guidelines for incomplete grades.
  • The student may be administratively withdrawn from the course with no penalty to the student if the deployment is too lengthy and it is unlikely that the student could successfully make up the missed course work.

Attendance in Online Courses

Attendance in an online course involves actively participating, as indicated by posting to an online discussion, submitting an assignment, taking an assessment, communicating with the instructor, or completing other activities as designated by the instructor. Students must have logged into and actively participated in the online course by the end of the drop/add period, as indicated by posting to an online discussion, submitting an assignment, taking an assessment, communicating with the instructor, or completing other activities as designated by the instructor. Students who fail to meet this attendance requirement by the end of the drop/add period will be dropped from the class by the instructor.