Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook


Accidental Injury & Illness

In case of an accident, students are to seek out medical treatment they feel necessary. The College does not provide emergency supplies or a first aid room. First aid kits are available in divisional offices, laboratories and shops for treatment of minor cuts and injuries. Injuries occurring at any Spartanburg Community College campus sites should be reported to the SCC campus police at (864) 592-4911.

While it is impossible to address every conceivable injury or illness, the following procedure should be used to address a medical problem beyond a minor cut, injury, or illness:

  • Check the scene to make sure the scene is safe.
  • Call or instruct someone else to call Campus Police and convey the following information: the nature of the illness or injury; the location of the ill or injured person; a description of the person, including approximate age, race, and sex; a description of the person’s medical symptoms or complaints; and, if known, a description of the person’s activities prior to the onset of the symptoms or complaints.
  • In the case of life threatening or other serious injury or medical condition contact local emergency services immediately by calling 911, then notify (or have someone else notify) Campus Police.
  • Remain or ask someone to remain on the line with the Campus Police Officer and/or 911 dispatcher in case follow-up information is necessary.
  • Render any immediate first aid you are qualified to provide. Do not move injured persons unless a life-threatening condition such as a fire exists.
  • Remain or instruct someone to remain at the scene as long as necessary to assist Campus Police and/or other responding personnel. Upon the student’s return to the College, he/she must complete an insurance claim form, available in the Shipping and Receiving office and submit invoice(s) received for treatment sought relating to the accident. The completed insurance claim form and invoice(s) will be submitted, for claim determination, to the insurance carrier by the office of Shipping and Receiving.

Health Services

The College does not provide comprehensive health services. In emergency situations, responding campus security may provide first aid until local emergency first responders arrive on site. Contact campus security at (864) 592-4911 or ext. 4911 if using a College campus phone for assistance as needed.


The College carries an accident insurance policy that covers students while on campus, traveling directly and uninterruptedly between home and scheduled classes, and while participating in activities sponsored and supervised by the College. Coverage excludes accidents that occur as a result of participation in organized sports. Maximum benefit coverage includes $5,000-medical expenses; $5,000-accidental death; $5,000- dismemberment. Injuries should be reported to the campus police office within 48 hours of the accident. Insurance claim forms are available in the office of Shipping and Receiving. The premium for student insurance coverage is included in tuition and fees for all registered students.

Reporting Crimes, Emergencies

SCC’s campus police office furnishes handheld radios to all officers on duty at the College. Potential criminal actions and other emergencies can be reported directly to the officers on duty by dialing campus extension 4911 at the Giles Campus, extension 2711 at the Cherokee Campus, extension 4050 at the Downtown Campus, or extension 6208 at the Tyger River Campus.  You can also activate any emergency call-box on the Giles Campus.  All crimes and emergencies should be reported to campus police or security, who will report to the appropriate agencies.